Tell us about you! add your personal information, teaching experience, style, credentials, dream destinations and work details. The More info you add to your profile, the more likely your perfect yogi match will find you.
Through our exclusive swapping board, you can search for opportunities and locations. Our Accurate filtering system will allow you find ideal profiles faster so you can connect only with compatible yogis.
Chat with your finalist teachers and exchange information. Once you found your ideal match, you can start planning your swap and packing your bags.
YogiSwap is a unique platform that allows you to exchange classes with other yoga teachers from around the world and connect to an amazing international community of like-minded people
From Vinyasa to Yin, from Costa Rica to Japan; our network of yoga instructors understands the power of travel and adventure.
Our platform enables yoga teachers to connect and find new ways of combining their passions in a way that enables growth and expansion of mind, body and soul.
Ad ante commodo cubilia cursus dignissim duis enim erat est felis iaculis lacinia luctus massa molestie natoque parturient sem taciti volutpat. At curae; felis gravida in magna netus nisi odio sociis taciti tempus tristique varius vestibulum. Dapibus dictum duis facilisis felis iaculis id interdum ipsum libero mauris molestie morbi nam nibh nulla nullam per porta quisque sollicitudin. Ac ante
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